Thursday, October 30, 2008

Amazon as Kenny G

190,000 book blogs and magazines. 6 watches 8 wheels. 2078 pices of candy. 6 boxes . 80,826 letters 26% off, 51% off 41% off 4 Gb MP3 8 GB MP3 62 color hues 12.3 mega pixels 8.6 maga pixels , Apple I pod nano. 82.50 10.09 5.05 97.08. Free 2 day shipping. 50's candy basket, 60's candy basket, 70's candy basket.

Apple I pod nano, Apple I pod nano, Apple I pod touch, Apple I pod touch. Free checking +3.00 APR, $30 back, 3% rewards

12 post since yesterday. yesterday?

Time is passing by

Time is passing by

Time is passing by

Time is passing by

Time is passing by

Time is passing by

on a watch there are minutes hours and seconds as time passes by, rolex, cartier and omega time IS passing by. every second minutes and hours

Amazon AM a ZON AmAZon. AM a ZON Amazon... Amazing?

3 4 2, Three for two, by two get the third free.. by two get the third free, Buy two get the third free.

Andy Warhal and his views of amazon

What is this? This is a page on a computer? What is a computer why didn’t I create such a thing. Why am I not a mask for Halloween ? I saw this page and thought of what wonderful art pages I could create. Is this Sarah Palin worthy of my Marilyn Monroe pop art? I should buy a watch then I could watch the time fly by. The time will fly by as I stand still standing still by myself. Although I am never by myself other than when I sleep. What type of movie could I do today? Would anybody want to watch my movie. Of course they would for I am the great Andy Warhol. I saw colorful earrings once and thought I could create the earrings better my color schemes would be better than any earring anybody could create for mine would match with everything, everything that anybody could think up wearing even if they decided to wear a trash bag my earrings would be so modern and would make the trash bag look like art. For my art is the best the best there was and the best there ever will be. I once thought what if my art isn't the best then what. And then I thought nonsense my art is the best. I wonder if I should bring candy to the factory? Then I think well just be eating candy all day and nobody would ever get anything done except me cause I get everything done. People should bring me candy to show their appreciation for my work, my art my movies. They quite are the best so Ive been told and so I know. The best, the best there ever will be. I should take all the candy wrapper and paste them onto a wall and make all the letters say something it would be quite wonderful maybe I could use tape so that other people could move the letters and sayings around to say something new everyday or to write and poem or a letter everyday because every day is a new day and there should be new sayings everyday to bring in the new day. The new day would bring me new presents of candy and everyday I will add to the candy wall and before you know it my teeth will rot away. Then I will have to get fake teeth maybe fake teeth aren't so bad I could have different color teeth and different styles to match my outfits and my mood. I could have the best looking teeth in the world then everybody would want to create teeth just like mine for I am a trend setter. Setting the way people should look..look different everyday with new colors and styles and new teeth.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Prince!!!

Prince.. I absolutely love Prince!!!! I make me really angry when people call him gay. And if he was why does it matter? He is a brilliant song writer who produces his own music. His music is legendary and people judge him because he wears make-up and heels. So what!! At least he has his own style and he doesn't care about what people think about him. Did you know he basically plays every instrument and can sing in more octaves than Mariah Carey. I'd say that is pretty impressive!!!


Singing...My passion life.. a way to cry and let all your fears, happiness and let all your emotions free..

What is happiness

As I was in one of my classes answering questions about my economic status. I was scared to answer the questions because I was afraid that people would judge me or act as "haters" because of what I have. I would consider my self high middle class. I have been very fortunate. I have a boyfriend that I have been with for 4 years and just graduated from Dental school so now we have "money" where as before we were living with his brother and living off his financial aid. Why is it that I am scared of people judging me because of the stuff I have now? Who is to say that success is money or money makes you happy. As the late Notorious BIG said "the more money you make, the more problems you see"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm not sure but this picture looks like it could be all boys I wonder what sort of presentation they are all there to see. Did they have to pay to go see this presentation or are they all there because they have to be. It’s a pretty big auditorium to be a school but it seems like there all school aged boys. Maybe this is an old picture and there all there to get information about being drafted. Oh how sad there mothers would be. Maybe some of them don’t have mothers and they ran away so they are forced to be drafted. There are two boys towards the back that seem to be interested in whats going on in the front of the building. Are they beginning the presentation or just ending the presentation. Was it an informative presentation or a entertaining presentation? Geez that is lot of boys. There are a lot of them. How come the girls weren’t able to be there?
Right now my pinkie is really cramping up it seems to do that when its really cold and my hands are always could. As I'm typing I am not using my pinky because it hurts so bad its just not moving and cramping in one place it really hurts and you would’t think that a pinky could hurt so bad but it does.

rock water

This picture is awesome if I were a fish or a turtle I would love to have this habitat I wish I could see it in color, better yet I would love to color this picture. I see vibrant blue green water and colors of every spectrum in the souroundings. I wonder is fairies live underneath the plants that hang beyond the rocks this would be a perfect place for fairies to frolock. It reminds me of a scene out of peter pan where the mermaids live. I love how the piece of the rock that is in underwater has so much life growing from it and the piece that is in air is more plain. Oh how much fun would it be to live in water seeing all the colorful and flowing life forces there are to see. In black and white it seems that the fuzzyness on top of the rock could be snow.


What is this monkey thinking? He seems to have a lot of confusion behind his eyes…all it is trying to do is feed its baby .. that baby just wants what the mommy or daddy has and the parent is more concerned about the camera man taking its picture. Those are big nipples. The baby looks like a little old man that has more expression in its face than the parent. I wonder if they would have this food if they were free? Are they free or is this some kind of zoo. The back round looks pretty fake and the lighting doesn’t look so real either. As I look more at the picture I cant help but think maybe the whole thing is fake.. it looks really stage I wonder if the monkeys are even real. Are the plants real they look fake too. Everything is starting to look fake the more I look at it. What is real anymore In this world. Some people are fake whether it be there looks or there personality. What a sad sad world some people live in and I say people cause I don’t live in there world I live in my own world. I am just a prop in some peoples world, just passing them by.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Bandu is a game where you start with a little rectangular piece and you have to build upon this little piece with various good and bad pieces from a pile in the middle. The person sitting next to you either takes a piece that will benefit them or passes on a piece that will hurt you. You have five beans... you either pay a bean to pass on the piece or accept the piece to add it to your structure. This game is a lot like life where you can pay to get out of rough situations or take what is handed to you and make the most of it.
In the end the person that plans and knows when it is important to pay or to accept the bad piece wins. Its all about the way you structure your life: you could take the bad situations and make the most of it or you can just try to ignore the bad stuff and let it pass by. You may start off with a bad structure but if you plan and build that structure to be solid you may just end up winning.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Is it make-belief?

Professor J brought up this in class and I thought I would blog about it....
Talking about thinking in simplicity in terms of "Are you smarter when you go back to the basics?" Little kids are able to have such wonderful imaginations because they don't know better. Is being obliviously to the world better- not knowing what is real? For instance some little kids might think that butterflies are really fairies because they don't know that fairies don't really exist. I personally choose to live the way a little kid would. I imagine that there are fairies and that there are no bad people in the world. It a very sad thing when you grow up and realize that Santa Clause isn't real. Cant we all just believe in make-belief as if we were still young? I know some of you may think I was using the apple that Joe was talking about but I for one do choose to still believe in fairy tales! Maybe that's why you'll usually see me with a smile on my face becuase I choose to live in a dream world!