Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"The Everyday" revisited

So there was a lot of stuff in the book that didn't make too much since. As I was reading the book (the stuff that I could actually understand) I flipped to the page where in big black bold letters said,"What happens when nothing happens?" (pg. 19, The Everyday) Well what does happen when nothing happens this could be taking in so many different ways like... what happens when there is something that is bothering you and you do nothing about it? You could end up driving yourself crazy dealing with stress that you do not need unless you do something about it. In our everyday lives we are forced to do something about most things but if we do not, something happens either way. So if you do nothing..nothing will happen and nothing is something! So in a since, nothing is everything and nothing is nothing being something.

I type in "nothing" in google images to see what came up. This picture just goes to show that nothing is something(there is something in that jar, whether it just be air, molecules, or simply just dust)nothing is captured!

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