Friday, November 28, 2008

The meaning of singing...

From Wikipedia......Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, which is often contrasted with speech. A person who is singing is called a singer or vocalist. Singers perform music known as songs that can either be sung a cappella (without accompaniment) or accompanied by musicians and instruments. Singing is often done in a group, such as a choir. Nearly anyone who can speak can sing, since in many respects singing is merely a form of sustained speech. It can be informal and just for pleasure, for example, singing in the shower or karaoke; or it can be very formal, such as singing done professionally as a performance or in a recording studio. Singing at a high amateur or professional level usually requires a certain amount of innate talent and a great deal of regular practice, and/or instruction. [1] Professional singers usually build their careers around one specific musical genre and undergo voice training, provided by a voice teacher or coach throughout a career.

From the mind of Sarina.....
Singing to me is like the air I breath and the blood that runs through my veins. Singing can be a way of crying or a way of showing happiness. Music is a way to express things that happen in your everyday life. I believe now a days people are only in music for fame and not for the love a music. The radio stations play crap, music is not what it used to be although there are a few artist that stay original. I gave up on my dreams to become a singer to do something more realistic like school.. oh what a shame. I do love still expressing the way I feel through song.. like when im doing the dishes or just everyday activities.

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