Thursday, September 25, 2008

As I sat on my bed looking out the window staring at the Huskies stadium I could see birds flying back and forth. I could hear off in the distance planes flying over Lake Washington and one boat going by. My dog Zeus was begging for my attention and after a while gave up and he settled into my lap and curled into a little ball. Staring out the window I watched small waves on the lake thinking about how cold the water must be. Time went by as did clouds. It was a little bit eerie doing nothing for 20 minutes. I notice when I sit in silence my mind wonders off and I think about so many things. Wow, only 10 minutes have gone by. My dog decided to get my attention by licking my hands and then I noticed the leaves blowing in the wind. I started to think about how summers over. Sad, but I'm excited that the leaves are going to change into beautiful colors and then fall. I saw a little squirrel in the trees, probably stocking up on nuts for the winter. How cute! Yea! 20 minutes have gone by. Once my mind started to wonder off the minutes seem to fly.